Human Interest

Bring Fidium Gigabit To your City/Town

Bring Fidium Gigabit To your City/Town

The next step in Internet is Gigabit connections. In Maine, Fidium is active in over 100 Cities/Towns.. Fidium is expanding to more towns with the most interest in being on high speed Internet. You can influence where they expand to next. They want to get this...

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Gelato Alert! in Rockport

Gelato Alert! in Rockport

We welcome Rockport’s newest addition, Freya’s Gelato and Sorbet and Crepes!

Freya’s gelato flavors rotate frequently according to season and ingredient availability. Freya’s gelato is made with milk and cream sourced from Maine farms and includes fresh local ingredients when available.

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Ethanol Free Gas Available in All of Maine.

Ethanol Free Gas Available in All of Maine.

Maine has long been the home of many lawn mowers, chain saws, outboard motors, jet skis, snow mobiles, automobiles and other gas powered devices. In the southern part of Maine it has been illegal to sell ethanol free gas except for airplanes and race cars. This law...

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Are We Being Bamboozled by Bamboo?

Are We Being Bamboozled by Bamboo?

Bamboo cloth is commonly known as bamboo rayon. Rayon is a semi-synthetic fiber made from cellulose, and bamboo rayon is produced by extracting cellulose from bamboo plants and then processing it into fibers. The process involves breaking down the bamboo pulp into a viscous solution, which is then extruded into filaments and spun into yarns to create bamboo rayon fabric.

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The Story Of Two Maine Towns That Fought For 200 Years. 

The Story Of Two Maine Towns That Fought For 200 Years. 

As my subscribers know I lived and worked in Camden and Rockport Maine for almost 25 years. I became as much as an outsider could, a Mainer or Maniac. The town of Rockport asked me to make a film for the 200th anniversary and this clip is a portion of it.

For those of you who grew up in this area, there will be many familiar faces.

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A positive, open-minded Camden Select Board is critical

A positive, open-minded Camden Select Board is critical

At each bi-weekly Select Board meeting, there is a required public comment session on non-agenda items. For the majority of citizens, this is one of the most fundamental aspects of town government. The average citizen receives three minutes to express politely his or her opinion, share ideas, bring up long-standing concerns, or question where we may be heading.

What I have observed repeatedly from the Chairman and those Select Board members seated immediately on either side of him, is not the welcoming, inviting experience one might expect. In fact, the welcome and open attitude is underwhelming at best. These Select Board members’ heads are turned downward, with minimal eye contact unless checking the wall clock for the allotted speaking time to be up. The sense of impatience and dismissal that emanates from these same three Select Board members is both palpable and deeply disturbing. The French Conference Room becomes a sad and unhealthy environment with all of the air and sense of prospect sucked out of it.

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A Death of Choice

A Death of Choice

Karen Wentworth believed people should control their own deaths. Facing terminal cancer, she lived to define her own ending.

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