On the Monday, September 28 at 7:00 a.m., The Chris Wolf Show will host Morgan Urquia, of the Alford Lake Camp in Hope, Maine with story and amazing pictures of a special trip she and 12 girls from the camp took in the French Alps. The show will be broadcast on WRFR Community Radio, Channel 7 Maine Coast TV, and streamed live on www.mainecoast.tv/streaming.
In Morgan’s own words:
“For 5 weeks, myself, my female co-leaders, and twelve amazing young women from Alford Lake Camp made our way from Hope, Maine to the Provence region of France, to Chamonix, and then to the nearly 200-mile hike around Mont Blanc with just our packs and some wonderful French, Italian, and Swiss hospitality and cooking.
“These girls had written letters to our directors at Alford Lake Camp (ALC) in Fall 2014 and spent their winters anticipating and imagining what 5 weeks away from home, in a different country, with few amenities; I was just lucky enough to have ALC find me fit as a trip leader.
“It’s no surprise I ended up laughing and singing my way through days of rock climbing, aqua-trekking, hiking, and adventure courses, with those twelve energetic girls, my good friend and co-leader Judy, and the wonderful leaders at Distant Journeys.”
The show will feature great stories and great pictures of the Alps and the trip.
You’ll have the opportunity to call in or email questions during the 7-8:00 a.m. live broadcast for challenging questions to Morgan and Chris.
VIDEO: To watch the show live, go to MaineCoast.tv/streaming or watch later on Channel 7. Maine Coast TV is located on Time Warner Channel 7 on converter boxes and set top boxes and on Channel 121-7 on digital TVs without set top boxes. The broadcast is available to all Time Warner subscribers in Knox County, Maine, including the islands of North Haven and Vinalhaven. And the recorded show will be available afterwards on www.MaineCoast.tv web site.
AUDIO: To listen to the show, WRFR 99.3 FM Camden or 93.3 FM Rockland, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday shows with news from PenBayPilot.com. Or, stream the audio live WRFR.org or TuneIn.com at https://tunein.com/radio/Radio-Free-Rockland-933-s14055/ or on the TuneIn app or your iPhone or Android.
The Chris Wolf Show is a joint project of PenBay Pilot, WRFR FM Community Radio and Maine Coast TV Community Television. If you have questions or comments for the show, call between 7 and 8 a.m., 207-594-0721, or email Wolf before or during the show at TheChrisWolfShow@gmail.com. We hope to see you listening, watching and commenting!