Adding Maine Coast TV to your ROKU Channels

To add Maine Coast TV Chanel to all your Roku boxes, on a web browser go to  If you have ROKU devices, you will need to be logged onto your Roku account, either before or after you click on this link.  If you don’t currently have ROKU devices associated with this won’t work and you’ll have to link a device in (and create an account during that process).

Roku 2Or, on your Roku box, from the remote controller you hit the Home button. Then go down the menu to Search. Click OK.  In the Search Box, enter Maine. You should see Maine Coast TV come up in the list to the right.  Use the arrows to go to the right and select the Maine Coast TV channel.  Hit OK.  Make sure you are positioned on the bar that says “Add Channel”.  Click OK button.

In either case above, the Maine Coast TV Channel will be moved to the end of your list.  Highlight it by going to it with the arrow keys. Click the * button.  Go to the line which says Move Channel.  Click OK. Using the Arrow keys to move the Maine Coast TV icon to the new point in your list. Click OK button and it should then stay in the new position.

For more information on Roku boxes, go to or and search for ROKU.


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