Vinalhaven’s own Phil Crossman on The Chris Wolf Show

Chris Wolf Show

On The Chris Wolf Show for Wednesday, December 8, 2015, our guest will be Phil Crossman, notoriously of Vinalhaven, Maine.

Frank Sinatra sings “I’ve been a puppet, a pauper, a pirate, a poet, a pawn and a king”. Phil seems to have lead a similarly charmed life, being an entrepreneur, a raconteur, an author, a musician, a thespian, storyteller, humorist, historian and pundit.

A recent article in the Island Institute’s Working Waterfront describes Phil’s life as full of challenges:

He is suspicious, for example, of joining in his neighbors’ friendly croquet games, certain he is “fodder.” He describes his wife Elaine, an artist and gallery owner, tolerating his own aesthetic limitations. He is impatient with inefficient, nonsensical government policies and practices. He—a veteran—passionately opposes senseless war, and as a volunteer and sometimes town official, passionately supports community services for those in need of help.

He suffers poor quality beer on the island, rigged duck races, vandalism, trash along the roads and beaches, and a lack of interest in elected offices, but celebrates the high caliber of local theater and music (including that of his a cappella group, Phil ‘n’ the Blanks), the occasional martini tasting, and those who work to preserve the island’s beauty.

Some recent writing resulted from a challenge he gave himself: to circumambulate Vinalhaven’s coastal edge, walking around the island at low tide in stretches over the course of a few years.

Phil as written two books, “Away Happens” and recently “Observations: A Maine Island, a Century of Newsletters and the Stories Found Between the Lines”.

The show will be broadcast on WRFR Community Radio, Channel 7 Time Warner Maine Coast TV, and streamed live on, 8:00-9:00 a.m. EST.

If you have any questions or comments on the day of broadcast, call between 8 and 9 a.m., 207-594-0013, or email Chris Wolf before or during the show at We hope to see you listening, watching and commenting!

VIDEO: To watch the show live, go to or watch later on Channel 7. Maine Coast TV is located on Time Warner Channel 7 on converter boxes and set top boxes and on Channel 121-7 on digital TVs without set top boxes. The broadcast is available to all Time Warner subscribers in Knox County, Maine, including the islands of North Haven and Vinalhaven. And the recorded show will be available afterwards on web site.

AUDIO: To listen to the show, WRFR 99.3 FM Camden or 93.3 FM Rockland, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday shows with news from Or, stream the audio live or at or on the TuneIn app or your iPhone or Android.

The Chris Wolf Show is a joint project of PenBay Pilot, WRFR FM Community Radio and Maine Coast TV Community Television.

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