Kathleen Meil, candidate for Maine House District 94, on The Chris Wolf Show.

Chris Wolf Show, Featured

Our guest on the Wednesday, September 28, 2016 The Chris Wolf Show will Kathleen Meil, candidate for Maine House District 94, repesenting Camden, Rockport, and Isleboro.  She’s running against Owen Casas.

Meil is an energy-efficiency professional, former elementary school teacher, and working mom, Meil knows firsthand the challenges Maine families face everyday, and is dedicated to listening, collaborating, and shaping solutions that help our communities thrive.

Meil, 39, is the mother of two children in the Camden-Rockport school system. She chaired Rockport’s Library Committee for four years, served on the board of Midcoast Habitat for Humanity, and is active in the CRES and CRMS communities.

Future Chris Wolf Shows will include other political candidates and we welcome all candidates of all parties, but slots are filling up and are limited due to time constraints. If you’re a candidate who would like to be on The Chris Wolf Show, please email Chris at TheChrisWolfShow@gmail.com.

The show will be broadcast live at 8:00 a.m. on WRFR Community Radio at 93.3 FM, Maine Coast TV at Channel 7 on Time Warner and also on the web at www.MaineCoast.TV/streaming, as well as ROKU. The show will also be broadcast of Channel 7 after the live broadcast as well as being available on www.MaineCoast.TV.

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The Chris Wolf Show is broadcast Monday, Wednesday and Fridays with news from PenBayPilot.com. The Chris Wolf Show is a joint project of Penobscot Bay Pilot/PenBayPilot.com, WRFR FM Community Radio and Maine Coast TV Community Television.

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