DISASTER is the name of the game on Friday’s Chris Wolf Show

Chris Wolf Show, Featured

On Friday, April 14, 2017, The Chris Wolf Show welcomes Ray Sisk who heads up Knox County’s Emergency Management Agency. Located in Rockland, the EMA is responsible for the county’s dispatch services and coordinating support and leadership in preparedness, response, recovery with their local, business and volunteer partners.

Sisk will explain how the EMA works, its departments and ongoing training to stand ready in the event of a natural disaster, accident, or attack.

Emergency management is coordinated regionally by Emergency Management Agencies (EMAs) in each of the state’s 16 Counties. County Directors are appointed by their respective County Commissioners. The EMA is funded in part by County, and in part by Federal funds.

The Knox County EMA provides an invaluable link between the almost 500 cities and towns in Maine. Join us and find out how the EMA stands ready for you.

The Chris Wolf Show will be broadcast live on Wednesday, April 11, at 8 a.m. on WRFR Community Radio at 93.3 FM, MaineCoast TV on Time Warner Channel 7, BCTV Channel 2 in Belfast, and also on the web at mainecoast.tv/streaming.

The show will also be broadcast on Channel 7 after the live broadcast, as well as being available on mainecoast.tv.

The Chris Wolf Show is broadcast Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays with news from penbaypilot.com, and is a joint venture between Penobscot Bay Pilot, WRFR and MaineCoast TV Channel 7.

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