A chance to drone on, on Friday’s Chris Wolf Show

Chris Wolf Show, Featured

Matthew Murphy has an unusual resume. He’s a licensed pilot and he flies drones. He operates Eagle Eye Drones out of Rockland. He calls it the future of aerial photography. The technology is spawning a whole new wave of entrepreneurs. The Federal Aviation Administration is taking notice. Already drone operators need to be licensed and registered with the federal government.

There are a whole host of rules that tell you where you can and cannot operate a drone. Did you know that just because you are a pilot, it doesn’t mean you are qualified to be a remote operator?

You don’t need permission from the FAA to fly your drone for fun or recreation, but you must always fly safely. You must register your drone if it weighs more than 0.55 pounds and less than 55 pounds. Label your drone with your registration number and you must be 13 years of age or older.

So many questions and where is all the fun? Join us on Friday as we drone on about drones.

The Chris Wolf Show will be broadcast live on Friday, May 26, at 8 a.m. on WRFR Community Radio at 93.3 FM, MaineCoast TV on Time Warner Channel 7, BCTV Channel 2 in Belfast, the Maine Coast TV ROKU channel and also on the web at www.MaineCoast.TV/live.

The show will also be broadcast on Channel 7 after the live broadcast, as well as being available on mainecoast.tv.

The Chris Wolf Show is broadcast Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays with news from penbaypilot.com, and is a joint venture between Penobscot Bay Pilot, WRFR and MaineCoast TV Channel 7.

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