Did you know that:
- 10% of babies born in Knox County are born from mothers who addicted to opiates
- 25% of our teenagers use drugs regularly
- Over 2000 people are addicted to opiates in Knox County but most can’t access treatment
- 90% of inmates of our local jail and prison are incarcerated directly or indirectly due to addiction
Hard core drugs are a major problem in MidCoast Maine and becoming worse and worse. We all probably know one or more friends or family who have an addiction problem that is destroying their lives and their families lives.
On Wednesday morning The Chris Wolf Show welcomes Dr. Ira Mandel of the Mid-Coast Recovery Coalition. Dr. Mandel knows the problems we’re having because he’s working right in the middle of it with his sleeves rolled up. There are no easy solutions, but Dr. Mandel can help us make some sense about the problem, what has been done, what is being done and what could be done. If drugs are destroying you, your family or your friends, this show should be watched.
The Chris Wolf Show will be broadcast live at 8 a.m. on WRFR Community Radio at 93.3 FM, MaineCoast TV on Spectrum Channel 1301, BCTV Channel 2 in Belfast, the Maine Coast TV ROKU channel and also on the web at www.MaineCoast.TV.
The show will also be broadcast on Channel 1301 after the live broadcast, as well as being available on www.MaineCoast.TV and our ROKU Channel.
The Chris Wolf Show is broadcast Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and is a joint venture between WRFR and MaineCoast TV.