We plan for the future on Friday’s Chris Wolf Show.

Chris Wolf Show, Featured

On Friday, April 5, 2018, we welcome Sarah Ruef-Lindquist and Abe Dugal from Allen Financial into our studio. Both specialize in Financial Planning and strategies.

Sarah Ruef-Lindquist is a lawyer and seasoned non-profit executive who has worked with dozens of organizations to build fiscal efficiency, planned giving programs and endowments.

Abe Dugal is a native of Lincolnville. Dugal is a graduate of Camden Hills Regional High School and Babson College in Wellesley, MA, where he majored in business management with a concentration in finance.

We’ll talk about what happens to those intellectual properties and monies after you are gone and how to plan for the future.

The Chris Wolf Show will be broadcast live at 8 a.m. on WRFR Community Radio at 93.3 FM, MaineCoast TV on Spectrum Channel 1301, BCTV Channel 2 in Belfast, the Maine Coast TV ROKU channel and also on the web at www.MaineCoast.TV.

The show will also be broadcast on Channel 1301 after the live broadcast, as well as being available on www.MaineCoast.TV and our ROKU Channel.

The Chris Wolf Show is broadcast Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and is a joint venture between WRFR and MaineCoast TV.

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