We have a new Governor, Janet Mills and many parts of Maine have new Representatives and Senators.
Now we need to know what to expect. Will things be the same or radically different? Will be be the same old Maine or a new Maine with a new agenda? Will the state be one we and our children and grandchildren can enjoy and afford to live in?
On the Monday, January 14, 2019 Chris Wolf Show we welcome Maine State Representative Vicki Doudera into our studio to talk about the recent inauguration of Maine’s newly elected governor Janet Mills.
We’ll also talk about a bus tour Representatives took in Western Maine.
Watch the Chris Wolf Show live Monday morning, 8:00-9:00 a.m. on Spectrum Channel 1301 in Knox County, on your mobile devices and computers and smart TV’s at www.MaineCoast.tv, or on the ROKU “Maine Coast TV” Channel.
Or listen on WRFR-FM 93.3 and 99.3 FM in Rockland, Rockport, and Camden or streaming at WRFR.org at https://tunein.com/radio/Radio-Free-Rockland-933-s14055/.