What a great and timely topic!
On Monday, January 28, 2019 The Chris Wolf Show will be about the upcoming Camden Conference 2019 which will be focusing on China’s emergence as a major global power.
The guests will be Bruce Cole, President of The Camden Conference and Bob Hirsch, Former President of the Conference. Both these men have impressive credentials themselves and this year’s conference will be particularly relevant and interesting. Be sure to join us.
WATCH the Chris Wolf Show live Monday morning, 8:00-9:00 a.m. on Spectrum Channel 1301 in Knox County, on your mobile devices and computers and smart TV’s at www.MaineCoast.tv, or on the ROKU “Maine Coast TV” Channel.
Or LISTENon WRFR-FM 93.3 and 99.3 FM in Rockland, Rockport, and Camden or streaming at WRFR.org at https://tunein.com/radio/Radio-Free-Rockland-933-s14055/.