Rockland Rise & Renewal with John Bird on The Chris Wolf Show.

Chris Wolf Show, Featured

Rockland Maine has been around for hundreds of years and has a great history.

One of the long time families in Rockland is the Bird family. Our guest on Wednesday, February 6, 2019 will be John Bird.

John will talk about the history of his family and the settlement and development of Rockland.

John has been working on a new book “Rockland Rise & Renewal” to be published by the Rockland Historical Society. This book covers the development of Rockland from the beginning as well a how it has morphed over time to remain current and relevant as our society has changed.

WATCH the Chris Wolf Show live Wednesday morning, 8:00-9:00 a.m. on Spectrum Channel 1301 in Knox County, on your mobile devices and computers and smart TV’s at, or on the ROKU “Maine Coast TV” Channel.

Or LISTENon WRFR-FM 93.3 and 99.3 FM in Rockland, Rockport, and Camden or streaming at at

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