A Much Better Way to Be Political!

Featured, The Buzz

Voting Day

By Steve Carroll – The Buzz.

My early memories of voting day go back to the mid-sixties. I was a Sophomore in High School working at what was then Rockland’s only local Radio station. The station manager, Paul Huber, was a State representative and took under his wing a young politician named Dave Emery (who later served as a U. S. representative and member of the house armed services committee). On election day Paul & Dave would set up shop at the Radio station and tabulate results as they came in. Taking part in election night coverage was a thrilling experience and the memories have stayed with me my whole life.

This year I volunteered to collect signatures for my favored candidate for President Tulsi Gabbard. Each candidate must collect 2,000 signatures to be placed on the ballot for the Maine primary. Joe Steinberger and I set up our table and went to work asking “are you a registered Democrat?” In just a short while another couple arrived at the polling center looking to collect signatures for their candidate, Bernie Sanders. Although Bernie and Tulsi are competitors for the same seat, we invited them to join us at our table. Working together we collected even more signatures. As the day passed I learned this volunteer couple had just moved to the area, having lived in places all over the world. We learned a lot about each other as we chatted with friends visiting our table.

Later a charming young lady showed up collecting signatures for President Trump for the Republican party primary. We all started up a conversation and worked together to direct voters from either party to the proper table. Working together we were able to collect quite a few signatures for both parties. It was a good day all around, meeting and greeting friends and strangers. We learned that we can gain more by serving honey than vinegar and that we are all part of one big community: different people with different ideas, but with the same hopes and fears.

Remember, no matter who wins and who loses, life will go on and tomorrow is a new day. It is better to make a friend than an enemy.

To see this and other stories from this issue of The Buzz, Click Here.

The Buzz is a joint publication between WRFR.org Community Radio and MaineCoast.TV Community Television.

The Buzz printed version is distributed in Rockland Maine each week at these locations:

Dunkin Donuts * Rock City Cafe * Camden National Bank * Main Street Market * Jensen’s Pharmacy * Willow Bake Shoppe * Offshore Restaurant Good Tern Coop * Rockland Library * City Hall * Jess’s Market * Southend Grocery.

The Buzz online version is available each Friday at www.TheBuzz.me.

If you’d like to contribute an article to The Buzz or be an announcer or volunteer at WRFR.org, email steinberger@gwi.net or call Joe at 596-0731.

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