C2 Productions on Maine Coast TV is producing a series of basketball games from many years ago, to provide our viewing audience with a blast from the past during this time when most of us are staying at home to avoid spreading the COVID-19 virus. This girls game from December 15, 2000 was played in the new Camden Hills gym and the Windjammers hosted the Eagles of Lincoln Academy. The broadcasters are Charlie Crockett and Don Palmer. Videographer is Penny Crockett. The starters for the Windjammers were Charlotte Croce, Karinna Russo, Kara Wood, Toni-Lynn Robbins, and Lauren Withee. The starters for the Eagles were Megan Osier, Heather Taylor, Kristen Magnussen, Liz Giberson, and Erin Stodder.
This is the first season for the Windjammers playing as Camden Hills in their new gymnasium and the new high school building.
#10 Vintage Girls Basketball Game: Camden Hills vs. Lincoln Academy 12/15/2000