By Peter Ralston
Dear Friends,
Happy last morning of this year! Today is our family’s third 2023 Christmas—no kidding!!—and Terri and I are back from three days in Vermont with family in just enough time to get this out to you on this signature day.

Tonight, Rockport’s Harbor will look something like these celebratory images…..likely no fog this year, and certainly no snow, but the celebratory mood will be with us, as always.
I’m deliberately sharing just a couple of much quieter images of our harbor as well….all indicative of the yin/yang of this very specific time of year. The celebration and festivities are always welcome, of course (and nobody loves fireworks more than me), but it is the quieter and softer side of winter life here that really sustains many of us. Mary Pipher’s essay, Finding Light in Winter, that I shared with you last week so very beautifully spoke to this. More winter images here…

Harbor Ducks


Matt & Frank
In any event, all of us here at the gallery, Sandee, Terri and I send you our very, very best wishes for a wonderful new year ahead, one in which we all hope for happiness, health and, as much as anything else, much more peace—and Light—in the world. And, from the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for making this past year a truly wonderful one for us…we are very grateful.
cheers and much more,