Images from Maine || Peter Ralston

Featured, Peter Ralston

Dear Friends,

I feel like I’ve been out of touch for a long time. I did squeak in a little time away—the first in a handful of years—and once again renewed my core understanding of how deeply wedded I am to being right here…home being where the heart is. As ever, it surely is wonderful to be back!

You may recall from my last “hug from Maine” that back in mid-January the coast of Maine was ravaged by two historically destructive storms and astronomical high tides. Damage assessment has painted a grim portrait of the consequences of the back-to-back events and it’s not a pretty picture. Millions upon millions of dollars in damages are going to have an intensely negative impact here, especially upon our working waterfronts in the fishing villages along the coast and out on the islands as they begin to gear up for our community-sustaining fishing season.

To that end, today I would humbly like to share with you a link to the Island Institute’s efforts to help those businesses and communities that give the coast its legendary and unique character. Put bluntly, an operative working waterfront is what keeps these towns going and these terribly impactive storms have imperiled the very life’s blood of our coastal communities. Here you can see some of what the Institute is doing to this end.

To that end, I will deeply and personally appreciate anything you might be able to contribute in support of the Institute’s hands-on, locally informed efforts to help where most needed. It truly means more than you might imagine. (Please check “Storm Response” if so inclined.)

Today’s images simply reflect my profound admiration for those who work on the water here and the complex infrastructure that makes it all possible. Without them the coast and islands of Maine would swiftly become largely indistinguishable from all the other places in America that have lost their fisheries and become “pretty” places for visitors and seasonal residents. Pardon my soap-box offering today…but this is a matter that truly could not be closer to my heart.

Thank you for perhaps giving this your consideration…thank you.

with all our very best wishes from here,


Ralston Gallery, 23 Central Street, Rockport, ME 04856

Instagram: @peterinmaine


Copyright 2024 Peter Ralston

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