The Chris Wolf Show is currently on summer hiatus, to return Monday morning, September 14, 2015, 8:00 a.m.
Hope to see you then!
The Chris Wolf Show will be streaming live Monday, Wednesday and Friday Mornings, 8:00-9:00 a.m.
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The Chris Wolf Show is broadcast live every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8:00-9:00 a.m. by Maine Coast TV on this web page for computers, iPhones, and Android SmartPhones.
The Chris Wolf Show is also broadcast live in Knox County on Channel 7 Time Warner Monday, Wednesday and Friday and at later times during normal programming.
Radio Broadcast:
The Chris Wolf Show audio is also broadcast live on WRFR FM 93.3 Rockland and 99.3 Camden/Rockport as well as audio streaming on the Internet at
Past Shows:
To see past archived Chris Wolf Shows, CLICK HERE. Shows generally are placed in the On Demand section within two days of being broadcast.
The Chris Wolf Show features news from the Pen Bay Pilot, Midcoast Maine's news site. For more information on stories Chris covers and much more other news, go to
For more information on Maine Coast TV and our broadcast schedule, see www.MaineCoast.TV and our Facebook page And for WRFR, go to
CWS 2019-11-22 John Bird
Chris Wolf interviews author John Bird about his new book.
CWS 2019-02-06 John Bird, Rockland-Rise and Renewal
Author John Bird talks about his new book, Rockland - Rise and Renewal.
CWS 2020-3-6 – Gordon Page
WATCH The Chris Wolf Show 2020-2-21 – Dave Morrison
Dave Morrison from the Camden Opera House shares the upcoming schedule for 2020
WATCH The Chris Wolf Show 2020-2-19 – Rich Smalley
RIch Smalley, a teacher from Oceanside High School visits.
WATCH The Chris Wolf Show 2020-2-07 Glenn Billington
Glenn Billington from the Free Press gives his insights on the news business and Rockland history
WATCH The Chris Wolf Show 2020-2-14 The Rogues
The Rogues stop by to play some music for Chris.
WATCH The Chris Wolf Show 2020-2-12 Kara George
The Thomaston town manager, Sara George, stops by to talk all about Thomaston.
CWS 2020-1-17 Diane Obrien
Diane O’Brien talks about island life.
CWS 2020-1-15 Ruf
Louise drops by for some fun with Chris