Kathrin Seitz

The Agony of Frozen Cats

The Agony of Frozen Cats

Gabrielle Attra left a home, a cat, and a relationship. She’s worried about her cat and also whether to begin anew in the depths of winter.

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Divine Dissatisfaction

Divine Dissatisfaction

I received - at the age of 72 - an MFA in fiction from Spalding University. I decided to go to graduate school because I had been working on a novel for years and thought the pressure of the MFA would help me finish it. My experience at Spalding was terrific....

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My Perfect Man!

My Perfect Man!

We like to lay on the floor and listen to the rain. He makes all of my carpets look more expensive than they actually are. He even makes my tattered and worn red leather sofa look smart. We sometimes take selfies together and I look prettier in them when he is next to me.

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